Journal, Day 1507

J. T. O'Malley
2 min readMay 5, 2024

Saturday, 04 May 2024

Ukraine War: Day 802

Hamas-Israel War: Day 209

Mass shootings in the USA in 2024: 141

Covid day 24

May the 4th Be With You

Today’s Fresh Hell… phantom nerve pain in my fingertips and my hair is falling out. I discovered a patch of bare scalp showing this morning that was not there before. Still sick. Still feverish and congested. Fuck this noise.

I meant to clean at least one birdcage today, but I didn’t have the energy. The fatigue is crippling. We ended up watching lots of Star Wars and I made another batch of quinoa. This time I gave some to the birds. Instant hit. Both Kiki and Charlie dove right in. Houdini doesn’t like new food, it scares him. I will keep trying.

I did manage a load of laundry, although I still have to sit down and rest while folding.

We had a weird discussion about tacos for tomorrow’s dinner. I’ve been craving the ground beef, packaged Old El Paso seasoning, crunchy-shell tacos with shredded lettuce, diced tomatoes, and shredded cheddar cheese my mom used to make. I know it’s an Americanized version, but it was a food that comforted me as a child and sometimes I want that flavor again.

My husband says he hates crunchy tacos. They crumble and fall apart, and that annoys him. He wants soft-shell tacos, like the ones you get at street vendors. While I do like those, they don’t give me that nostalgic feeling. We will find a compromise.

I’m tired of being stuck at home. I never thought I’d say this, but I actually miss The Drive to the office through downtown LA traffic at prime rush hour and navigating my tiny car in between the big trucks on the 110. I miss having brunch with my friends.

I miss being normal.



J. T. O'Malley

I am The Finder of Impossible Things. Bird lover, VW & SmartCar enthusiast. Cancer killer. Humanitarian. Nice lady.