Journal, Day 1545

J. T. O'Malley
2 min readJun 12, 2024


Tuesday, 11 June 2024

Ukraine War: Day 840

Hamas-Israel War: Day 247

Mass shootings in the USA in 2024: 210

I’ve been locked in wrap hell for seven different productions in three locations for the last four weeks. One of them started shooting sometime in January of 2023 and got interrupted by the strikes last year, so the calculus required to make sense of their billing is kicking my ass on the daily. I got their account down to one single remaining order of miscellaneous accessories left to count in, so I consider that a win.

Charlie was a terror today. He’s in full teenage boy mode. This morning when my husband uncovered the cages to wake up our flock, Charlie bypassed the playstand, landed on the sofa, and looked like he was poised to take his gigantic, sloppy morning poop down the back of the couch cushions. My husband managed to get him back on the designated poop spot, but immediately after letting loose, he flew to Houdini’s cage to prance and intimidate. He’s been bitey and cantankerous all day.

Kiki is nervous about flying because her wing feathers haven’t grown back in since her last molt. She can only go about two or three feet and it’s apparent that it takes a whole lot of extra flap energy. It will take a few weeks before those primary flight feathers have come back in, so in the meantime, she gets lots of playtime walking around the sofa and rootling in the cushions.

Tomorrow I tackle the overdue orders list. This could get ugly.



J. T. O'Malley

I am The Finder of Impossible Things. Bird lover, VW & SmartCar enthusiast. Cancer killer. Humanitarian. Nice lady.