Journal, Day 1559

J. T. O'Malley
1 min read5 days ago


Tuesday, 25 June 2024

Ukraine War: Day 854

Hamas-Israel War: Day 261

Mass shootings in the USA in 2024: 252

I’ve had just about enough of the rhetoric surrounding the upcoming debate between President Biden and Trump. It’s going to be an epic shit-show, no doubt; the fact that all of the media pundits are trying to make excuses is a travesty.

Trump is a multiple-convicted criminal and is incapable of putting a coherent sentence together (sharks, batteries, and Hannibal Lector), while President Biden continues to DO HIS JOB. It makes the entire process useless and nothing more than a dog-and-pony show to distract us from real issues. I’m specifically referring to the war in Gaza and climate change.

Is anybody feeling schvitzy lately? Does anyone wonder why it’s 117 degrees in middle America and 124 degrees in Mecca? Thousands of people have died from the heat. This is just the beginning, and we’ve crossed the point of no return. It’s just going to get worse. If you’re a denier, you’re an idiot. Yes, I said that.

I should probably stop watching MSNBC while I work.



J. T. O'Malley

I am The Finder of Impossible Things. Bird lover, VW & SmartCar enthusiast. Cancer killer. Humanitarian. Nice lady.