Journal, Day 1562

J. T. O'Malley
2 min read2 days ago


Friday, 28 June 2024

Ukraine War: Day 857

Hamas-Israel War: Day 264

Mass shootings in the USA in 2024: 255

I’m supposed to be at a filmmaker’s social mixer at a pub in Toluca Lake right now, but we have a long-term TV show that’s currently wrapping. Their production office closes next week and we still have about $7500 in missing gear that we need to either round up or bill them for. I’ve sent the shop crew on a barcode hunt, and hopefully, some of it will be found by Monday. Nothing like extra stress on a Friday.

I finally logged off for the day and now I’m having a cocktail after birdie play. My husband has made an EPIC pasta with roasted garlic tomato sauce with beef and sautéed mushrooms. It smells amazing.

I watched the news today and read all of the opinion articles about last night’s debate between President Biden and Trump. It’s not pretty. President Biden is suffering from massive jet lag after traveling abroad for several days for WWII memorial services in France and campaign trips all across the country. He’s also suffering from a summer cold, so he was not on his best game.

Trump spent the week before the debate telling lies at rallies and playing golf.

I’m still voting for the guy who works himself ragged for our country and the people over the guy who can’t tell the truth (except for that one time he told a Las Vegas crowd that he didn’t care about them and he just wanted their votes). He spent the debate lying about taking credit for capping insulin prices (nope, that was Biden) and spreading bullshit about “post-birth abortions.”

This only proves that republicans in general (and Trump in particular) either don’t know how human procreation actually works, or they think that their voting block doesn’t, and are stupid enough to believe this line of crap.

I’ll be voting for the guy who stutters and is tired and off his game from DOING HIS JOB over the orange lying sack of pussy-grabbing convicted criminality any day, any time.

Meanwhile, Charlie has a single, bright yellow feather on his right shoulder. You can see it clearly in this photo. I have no idea what it means, but it’s adorable.



J. T. O'Malley

I am The Finder of Impossible Things. Bird lover, VW & SmartCar enthusiast. Cancer killer. Humanitarian. Nice lady.